
Cemetery of giant creatures found in Africa

The remains belong to gigantic creatures that bear little resemblance to humans. Head of research group believes that they could be visitors from another planet who died as a result of a catastrophe.

According to the scientists, they were buried at least 500 years ago. At first, researchers thought that they came across the remains of ancient settlements, but no signs of human life have been found nearby, Pravda has reported.

The 40 communal graves had approximately 200 bodies in them, all perfectly preserved. The creatures were tall ― approximately seven feet. Their heads were disproportionately large and they had no mouth, nose or eyes.

The anthropologists believe that the creatures were members of an alien landing, possibly destroyed by some terrestrial virus to which they had no immunity. However, no traces of the landing of the spacecraft or its fragments were discovered.

This is not the first such finding. In the summer of 1937 a group of Chinese scientists led by Professor Chi Putei surveyed the caves of Mount Bayan-Kara-Ula. Inside they found skeletons with excessively large heads and puny bodies. Nearby there were 176 stone plates. In the center of each plate there was a hole from which a spiral groove spread out to the perimeter with some characters on it.

In addition, the cave walls were covered with pictures of the rising sun, moon and stars, with many painted dots or small items, slowly approaching the mountains and the earth's surface.

Experts in deciphering ancient written characters have been puzzled over the disclosure of the secret spirals from the cave Bayan-Kara-Ula for two decades. Finally, the professor of Beijing University Zum Umniu deciphered several inscriptions.

The grooved letters narrated that approximately 12,000 years ago some flying objects crashed in these mountains. Chinese archaeologists found a mention of the peoples who lived in the mountainous caves of Bayan-Kara-Ula.

A corpse of another "alien" was found by Turkish cavers. A mummy of the ice age was resting in a sarcophagus made of crystalline material. The height of the humanoid male creature did not exceed one meter 20 centimeters, his skin was light green, and he had large transparent wings on his sides.

According to the researchers, in spite of the unusual appearance the creature looked more like a person rather than an animal. His nose, lips, ears, hands, feet, nails, were very similar to human. Only his eyes were very different, three times bigger than those of a human, and colorless, like reptile's eyes.

Not that long ago in one of the ancient Egyptian tombs a mummy of a man 2.5 meters tall was found. It had no nose or ears, and its mouth was very wide and had no tongue.

"거대 외계인들의 무덤 발견" 러 프라우다 보도

지구에 불시착한 외계인들의 집단 무덤으로 추정되는 흔적이 아프리카 중부에서 발견되었다고 24일 일간 프라우다 등 러시아 언론들이 보도했다.

언론에 따르면, '외계인 무덤 흔적'은 아프리카 르완다의 키갈리 인근에 위치한 정글에서 발견되었다. 인류학자 등으로 구성된 탐사팀은 이 흔적을 고대 문명의 유적으로 생각했는데, 집단 무덤에서 2m가 넘는 키에 몸집에 비해 지나치게 큰 머리를 가진 사체들이 발견되었다는 것. 200구가 넘는 사체는 원형 그대로의 모습을 유지하고 있었는데, 코와 입이 없는 얼굴을 가지고 있다고 언론은 전했다.

이 사체들이 약 500년전, 지구에 착륙한 외계인들로 추정된다는 것이 연구팀의 조심스러운 추정이다. 하지만 무덤 인근에서 파편 등 우주선의 흔적은 발견되지 않았다고.

한편, 이번에 발견된 것과 비슷한 외계인 집단 무덤 흔적이 과거에 중국, 터키 등에서 발견된 적이 있었다고 언론은 덧붙였다.

몸집에 비해 큰 머리를 가졌다는 점이 외계인 추정 사체들의 공통점이다. 또 이집트의 고대 무덤에서도 2.5m의 키에 큰 머리를 가진 미라가 발견된 적도 있었다는 것이 언론의 부연 설명이다.

하지만, 큰 머리에 큰 눈을 가진 외계인 추정 미라, 사체들이 한때 지구에 살았던 인류의 조상일 수도 있다는 일부의 주장도 있다. 외계에서 온 생명체가 아닌, 지구에 거주했지만 어떤 이유로 절멸한 인간의 한 갈래일 수도 있다는 것이다.

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