
대전 상공서 UFO 포착

A fleet of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) was reported being seen in Daejeon, Wednesday.

Witnesses said they saw dozens of very bright objects traveling northeastward very quickly and seemingly in a formation.

“I saw some bright things at the edge of clouds in the sky, which I first thought was very interesting. But then, 30 minutes later, they started to move,” a witness said. “There were about 20 objects in the sky.”

Video clips and pictures of the alleged UFOs, taken by one of the witnesses, have been released to local media and are circulating on the Internet, attracting the attention of the public curious about their authenticity.

UFO experts analyzed the pictures and clips of the sightings and said they can be classified into possible observations of UFOs.

“It’s really rare, probably the first time for such light-emitting objects to be seen in the middle of a dark night,” said Maeng Seong-ryeol, professor at Woosuk University and president of the Korean UFO Research Center.

Other UFO investigators are also fascinated by the sighting, citing the quality of video clips and pictures.

“Given the brightness of the objects, taken by a mobile phone, they are highly likely to be the sightings of UFOs,” said UFO investigator Seo Jong-han. “It is almost impossible for flying lamps to be as bright as that at night, as some people suspect.”

The Air Force also said there was no record of flights in the area at that time, suggesting there was little chance witnesses mistook legitimate aircrafts for the suspected UFOs.

“There is no record of flights around that time and no planes were detected by our radar, either,” an official from the Air Force said.

The country is not a UFO hot-spot but does get a reasonable number of UFO sightings reported on a yearly basis. One of the most recent major sightings took place in 2008 when UFOs were witnessed in the sky of Gwanghwamun, central Seoul.


대전에서 UFO로 추정되는 물체가 목격돼 논란이 일고 있다. 한 시민은 자신의 휴대폰 카메라로 이 UFO를 촬영하는 데 성공, 국내 한 방송사을 통해 그 동영상이 전격 공개됐다.

16일 대전 MBC 뉴스는 대전 도심의 한 주택가에서 지난 11일 밤 빛을 내는 물체 약 20여개가 대열을 갖춰 무리지어 이동했다고 전했다.

이 물체를 목격한 시민은 "처음에 굉장히 신기하다고 생각했다"며 "30분 정도 지나서 날아갔다"고 말했다.

한 전문가는 영상 속 비행물체가 대형을 유지하고 수시로 비행간격을 바꾸는 등 일반적인 비행물과는 다른 움직임을 보인 것을 고려할 때 UFO일 가능성이 높다고 전했다.

또한 비행물체를 발견했을 당시 대전에서는 공군 훈련이 없었고 레이더망에 특이한 물체도 잡히지 않은 것으로 알려졌다.

한국 UFO 연구협회 회장인 우석대 맹성열 교수는 "한밤중에 자체적으로 빛을 밝게 내면서 이동한 UFO는 우리나라에서 처음 찍힌 것 같다"고 밝혔다.

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